Riffing on Feyerabend: Direct Observation, Paraconsistentist Logic, and a Research Immanent Account of the Rationaliy of Science

Opublikowane 15.02.2024 — zaktualizowane 28.05.2024
- 28.05.2024 - (2)
- 15.02.2024 - (1)
Słowa kluczowe
- Feyerabend,
- history and philosophy of science,
- inconsistency,
- paraconsistency,
- philosophy of science
- scientific rationality,
- Shapere ...More
Prawa autorskie (c) 2023 Filozoficzne Aspekty Genezy

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Feyerabend’s work, particularly his early papers contain important insights into the nature of science and scientific progress. I discuss his insights into the limits of empiricist foundationalism and positivism. I explain how the work of a number of philosophers has borne out Feyerabend’s claims in startling and interesting ways. Nevertheless, I criticise Feyerabend’s move from his attack on universal method to relativism. I point out that Feyerabend never confronted a well-developed research immanent view of the rationality of scientific change, which shows the limitations of the arguments in Against Method.
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