Tom 20 Nr 2 (2023)

Riffing on Feyerabend: Direct Observation, Paraconsistentist Logic, and a Research Immanent Account of the Rationaliy of Science

George Couvalis
Independent Researcher

Opublikowane 15.02.2024

Słowa kluczowe

  • Feyerabend,
  • history and philosophy of science,
  • inconsistency,
  • paraconsistency,
  • philosophy of science,
  • scientific rationality,
  • Shapere
  • ...więcej

Jak cytować

Couvalis G., Riffing on Feyerabend: Direct Observation, Paraconsistentist Logic, and a Research Immanent Account of the Rationaliy of Science, Filozoficzne Aspekty Genezy, 2024, t. 20, nr 2,


Feyerabend’s work, particularly his early papers contain important insights into the nature of science and scientific progress. I discuss his insights into the limits of empiricist foundationalism and positivism. I explain how the work of a number of philosophers has borne out Feyerabend’s claims in startling and interesting ways. Nevertheless, I criticise Feyerabend’s move from his attack on universal method to relativism. I point out that Feyerabend never confronted a well-developed research immanent view of the rationality of scientific change, which shows the limitations of the arguments in Against Method.


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