Tom 11 (2014)

Confrontations Between Theists and Atheists

Opublikowane 21.05.2021 — zaktualizowane 24.05.2021


Słowa kluczowe

  • NOMA,
  • Spinoza’s God,
  • theories in science,
  • theories in theology,
  • material reality,
  • spiritual reality,
  • Torah,
  • Reform Judaism,
  • biblical legends,
  • miracles
  • ...More

Jak cytować

Kowalski, Ludwik. “Confrontations Between Theists and Atheists”. 2021. Filozoficzne Aspekty Genezy , vol. 11, May 2021, pp. 23-28,


The commentary focuses on Gould’s idea of NOMA, according to which science and theology are two Non-Overlapping Magisteria. The term “non-overlapping” is appropriate because methods of validation of claims in these two fields of intellectual investigation. are different, not because the areas of investigation should be different. The author was once an active atheist, in Poland; now he is a practicing theist, belonging to a Reform synagogue in the United States. He thinks that Gould’s idea, if universally accepted, could help to reduce intensity of dangerous doctrinal confrontations between theists and atheists, and between different groups of theists. The commentary ends by a quote from a statement about desirable collaboration between religion and science, made by Pope John Paul.


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  1. Kowalski Ludwik, “Collected Internet Comments”, (20.10.2014).
  2. Gould Stephen Jay, (1997), “Non-Overlapping Magisteria”, Natural History 1997, vol. 106, pp. 16-22.
  3. Gould Stephen Jay, Rocks of Ages: Science and Religion in the Fullness of Life, Ballantine Books, New York 2002.
  4. Kowalski Ludwik, “Futile Confrontations Between Theists and Atheists”, American Atheist 2012, vol. 50, no. 1, (20.10.2014).
  5. Russell Robert John, “Bridging Science and Religion: Why it Must be Done”, (20.10.2014).
  6. Dawkins Richard, The God Delusion, Houghton Mifflin Company, Boston 2006.
  7. Schwartz Barry L., Judaism’s Great Debates: Timeless Controversies from Abraham to Herzl, The Jewish Publication Society, Philadelphia 2012.
  8. Isaacson Walter, Einstein: His Life and Universe, Simon and Schuster, New York 2008.
  9. Dukas Helen, Albert Einstein: The Human Side, Princeton University Press, Princeton 1981.
  10. Nadler Steven, “Judging Spinoza”, The New York Times 25 May 2014, (20.10.2014).
  11. Steinsaltz Adin, Simple Words, Simon and Schuster, New York 1999.
  12. John Paul II, “Address to the Plenary Session (Commemoration of Albert Einstein) — 10 November 1979”, in: Papal Addresses to the Pontifical Academy of Sciences 1917-2002 and to the Pontifical Academy of Social Sciences 1994-2002, Pontificiae Academiae Scientiarum Scripta Varia, vol. 100, Ex Aedibus Academicis In Civitate Vaticana 2003, pp. 239-244, (20.10.2014).